U2-05 | 2 - Chladni Sound Figures
We examine Chladni sound figures on circular glass plates of different sizes.
On this site, we provide a large variety of visualizations and models for modern quantum physics. Topics include among others the periodic table of elements, the Pauli principle, and quantum entanglement.
The trilogy QuantumVisions consists of the parts:
Dive deeper into the quantum world. Experience the whole teaching series at quantumreflections.net.
We examine Chladni sound figures on circular glass plates of different sizes.
We discuss symmetries of a cup’s standing waves.
We describe the possible fundamental vibrations on a sphere’s surface by counting, mirroring and rotating nodal lines.
We examine the first experiment ever that proved the quantum nature of the spin – the Stern-Gerlach experiment. Additionally, we find an interesting analogy to polarized photons.
We discuss the spectrum of the hydrogen atom.
We discuss approaching the quantum dimension by learning about quantum states and operators.
We discuss the structure of the periodic table by using the quantum organ.
We discover a surprisingly simple, geometrical interpretation of the spin in four dimensions and an ambiguous interpretation in three dimensions.
We visualize the Pauli exclusion principle, explaining the stability of elements.
Alice key to the Chessboard Code.
How to hide informations in randomness.
The BB84 protocol of quantum cryptography.